The Right to Be: Embracing Freedom in Everyday Life

Daily writing prompt
What does freedom mean to you?

For me, I sense freedom when I’m soaking in those epic moments, like breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, wandering through the great outdoors, and camping under the stars. It’s allows me the right to just be here and present, no better feeling than that. Only if it could be translated into everyday life? We all would be truly free to be.

It’s our natural right to be true to ourselves, show the world who we are, and chase our dreams in our very own style. This right includes the freedom to think, believe, and practice religion, and to take part in community activities. It’s all about being able to embrace yourself and others’ beliefs and aspirations without the fear of facing discrimination.

The right to be is important for promoting understanding, empathy, and inclusivity in a varied world. It acknowledges the value of every person’s path, no matter their background or culture.

Moreover, it’s all about making sure everyone can be their best selves. It’s about recognising that people should have the freedom to live life on their own terms, while also encouraging inclusivity and understanding in our communities.

In a nutshell, “the right to be” is all about recognising the value and independence of each person. It paints a picture of a world where everyone can live together peacefully, being themselves while also celebrating their uniqueness and connections with others.

That’s what freedom is all about for me in real life. Maybe if we spend more time experiencing nature, we’ll figure out that freedom is right there for the taking – we just gotta open the door and go for it!

Imagine that for a moment?

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A Quote to inspire
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi

"Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones." - John Lennon

Look to nature for calm